All posts tagged: do

9 Awesome Reasons To Drink Green Tea

“Hot??” – this was the suprised question of the waitress this summer, on a beautiful warm day, when I was sitting in a café with a friend and I ordered a green tea. If you would spend a whole day with me, you would notice that I drink green tea by the gallon. All day long, no matter if it’s summer or winter. I just love it because of its taste and incredible evidence-based health benefits. And here are 9 reasons why you will love it too. 1. Green Tea Contains Various Bioactive Compounds That Can Improve Health It is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins, which function as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants can reduce the formation of free radicals in your body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in aging and all sorts of diseases. 2. Compounds in Green Tea Can Improve Brain Function and Make You Smarter Green tea does more than just keep you awake, it can also make you smarter. The key active …

3 Reasons For Daily Meditation

There are actually so many reasons to meditate on a daily basis: increased immunity and fertility, emotional balance, anti-inflammatory, calmness, reduced anxiety and many many more. But here are the most important reasons for me. Take a deep breath and relax. 1. Increased Cognitive Skills Researches shows that even brief mindfullness meditation improves the mood and  significantly improves visuo-spatial processing, working memory and executive functioning. That means that meditation helps to improve the mech­a­nisms of how we learn, remem­ber, problem-solve and pay attention. 2. Be IN the moment Based on a famous quote – the past is history, the future a mystery and the present the only moment we really have in our lifes. To be IN the moment is something really important to me and enables to be absolutely honest to myself. A critical part of attention, is being able to ignore distraction. There has been growing evidence that meditation training helps develop attentional control. 3. Authenticity  Meditation really transformed my life and my relationship to myself. It makes me feel sensual, provocative, open, grounded, centered and more connected. I couldn’t even sit quietly for 5 …

How To Create A Happy Life You Love

Yesterday, I had the honor to meet Mr. Jigme Thinley, the first officially elected prime minister of Bhutan and currently, chairman of the “Gross National Happiness Centre” in his country. Since I have studied Economics, it was inspiring to hear about the Gross National Happiness (GNH) as an alternative economic index. The GNH is measuring the happiness by focusing on nine Domains: 1. Psychological Wellbeing 2. Standard of Living 3. Good Governance 4. Physical Health 5. Education 6. Community Vitality 7. Cultural Diversity and Resilience 8. Time Use 9. Ecological Diversity and Resilience (more here) The bottom line says: Healthy Body + Healthy Mind = Happy Life You Love Here is the reality check: if you feel like crap, if you feel sick, if you feel tired or stressed, it’s hard to enjoy the time with your family and friends. They can support you, but there is a lot what you can do first and foremost. And yes, money can buy wonderful things that make you happy… for a while. But it can’t buy you health, a strong grounded core …